Friday, November 14, 2008

A Young Blogger Describes China

I am so excited to share a link with you to a ten-year-old's blog from China. I am still in touch with the Panda Pals, a group of parents who all formed a "cyber waiting room" in 2001 when we sent our paperwork to China. We kept each other company, hoped together, stressed out together, shared rumors from all our various adoption agencies, went through September 11th together, and remain close to this day on our Panda Pal yahoo group list. Several families just went to Disney World together for what's becoming an annual get-together!

Anyway, one Panda Pal is in China right now. Her daughter, 10 years old, is doing what I hope JieJie and MeiMei will do someday: writing a journal from China. We're not a scrapbooking family, but who knows, we may be a blogging family! Enjoy

MeiMei just wrote her first long string of letters and words on the old computer they were handed down. She wrote mommy daddy jiejie meimei abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz and a whole bunch of other stuff. JieJie doesn't write, she's more the illustrator, and when I looked at what she had done on Reader Rabbit today, she had a row of sort of gingerbread snowmen, all smiling, all in a row holding hands.

More of the Antwerp saga soon, I's been busy around here!


You can search FTJ for past posts, e.g. China info...
