Anyway, one Panda Pal is in China right now. Her daughter, 10 years old, is doing what I hope JieJie and MeiMei will do someday: writing a journal from China. We're not a scrapbooking family, but who knows, we may be a blogging family! Enjoy http://www.movingmo
MeiMei just wrote her first long string of letters and words on the old computer they were handed down. She wrote mommy daddy jiejie meimei abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz and a whole bunch of other stuff. JieJie doesn't write, she's more the illustrator, and when I looked at what she had done on Reader Rabbit today, she had a row of sort of gingerbread snowmen, all smiling, all in a row holding hands.
More of the Antwerp saga soon, I's been busy around here!