Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Research Trail to the Rhine

Just a heads-up, also a request for you to share your own stories if you've ever traveled to these areas of Germany:

*Rhine Valley
*Moselle Valley

We are thinking that in the middle of our three weeks in Belgium this summer that we will take a side trip to western Germany and explore some or all of the above areas. Right now I've got some research to do, including:

*is it easier/less expensive to get there from Antwerp by rented car or train?
*what are the hostel options?
*what's the best home base?
*do we want to take a Rhine or Moselle River cruise/ferry trip? If so, from/to where?
*do we want to rent bikes and do the Moselle River bike trails? to/from where?
*do we want to go to several "dots" or make it a more direct round-trip? We're thinking 4-5 days total, and hostels with family suites seem to be the way to go. Very inexpensive, very easygoing.

I'll post info as I find it--so far I've found a hostel in Koblenz that is actually in an old fortress overlooking the Rhine/Moselle confluence!!


1 comment:

Louise Globetrekker said...

You can get the whole family from Antwerp to Koblenz for 38 euro one way.

As long as ICE train is in your journey the Belgian fare is included. I booked our tickets to Munich on


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