Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hostel: Warsberger Hof in Trier

If you would like to read Warsberger Hof's website in English, try Google Translate.

I wanted to mention this privately owned and operated hostel (jugendgasthaus) in Trier, Germany. When I contacted the Trier hostel belonging to the Jugendherbergen / HI Hostels associations, they were booked solid, but suggested I contact Warsberger Hof.

I'll be sure to let you know how the place is after we've stayed there, but wanted to praise the proprietors of both places. The HI Hostel manager is to be commended for following his "sorry, no" with "but..." and the Warsberger Hof has been prompt in correspondence.

They're giving me a good feeling about the place already.


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